
Darryl Baschuk's Home Page

Last Updated: January 23, 2018
The Internet Traffic Report monitors the flow of data around the world. It then displays a value between zero and 100. Higher values indicate faster and more reliable connections.



Satellite Image


Welcome to the little URL on the WWW that I call home. Please make yourself comfortable, but please keep your feet off the furniture.

I have loads of interests, but mainly I'm a science enthusiast... physics, mathematics, astronomy, technology... that kind of stuff (space-time isn't the only thing that's warped around here).

Please help yourself to the links during your visit.

BeavisGrey MatterButthead


atomIn ascending geographical order, here is (was) my natural habitat:

Borg Cube!Borg Alert!Borg Cube!

atomHere are some of my favorite sources of news (to keep me informed about the happenings beyond my apartment) and entertainment:

BabyJOLT adBash Computer

atomThese are some of the more useful pages on the Web:

Computer BombEvil InsideComputer WarEvil InsideBad Virus

atomBy popular demand, here is a link to Graham Downey's fantastic website:


atomThese are some of the more... (interesting, weird, X-file-ish?)... URLs that I have discovered. The TRUTH is OUT THERE!!!

Thinker Nerd Notes Site Best Viewed...

atomFor all you would-be travellers of the world (particularly Nagoya, JAPAN), here are some links to all things Japanese...


atomHere are a few useful search engines for doing your own research on weird and wonderful things...


You are one of many lucky visitors to my page!

Hope to hear from all of you soon.

email darryl_baschuk@hotmail.com e-mail


Initial coding of this webpage was done while attending, and originally hosted by the University of Manitoba icon

This page was then hosted by Geocities icon

Personal web space was next provided by MTS icon

My newest home on the Internet has been graciously offered to me by Graham's Web Server
